Karl August HERMANN
Karl August Hermann (23 September 1851, Vohmanomme, Poltsamaa Parish – 11 January 1909, Tartu) distinguished himself as an Estonian polymath, serving as a writer, publicist, linguist, and composer. Commencing his academic journey in 1875 at the Faculty of Theology, University of Tartu, he later delved into linguistics at Leipzig University, completing his studies in 1880 with a noteworthy Ph.D. thesis, "Der einfache Wortstamm und die drei Lautstufen in der estnischen Sprache." Between 1882 and 1885, he held the role of editor at Eesti Postimees, subsequently taking ownership of Perno Postimees in 1886, renaming it Postimees, a newspaper that gained prominence in Tartu. In 1906, he acquired Valgus, further cementing his influence in media. While primarily recognized as a choral composer, his solo piano compositions, once forgotten, found a revival through the efforts of French pianist Nicolas Horvath, who rediscovered and recorded them for the Toccata label in the United Kingdom. Karl August Hermann passed away in 1909 and rests in peace at Tartu Raadi Cemetery.
Karl August Hermann (23 septembre 1851, Vohmanomme, paroisse de Poltsamaa – 11 janvier 1909, Tartu) se distingua en tant que polymathe estonien, exerçant les métiers d'écrivain, de publiciste, de linguiste et de compositeur. Dé:butant son parcours acadé:mique en 1875 à la Faculté: de théologie de l'Université de Tartu, il s'orienta ensuite vers la linguistique à l'Université de Leipzig, achevant ses études en 1880 avec une thèse de doctorat remarquable, "Der einfache Wortstamm und die drei Lautstufen in der estnischen Sprache". De 1882 à 1885, il occupa le poste d'&eacite;diteur à Eesti Postimees, puis acquit en 1886 le journal Perno Postimees, le rebaptisant Postimees, un périodique qui prit de l'ampleur à Tartu. En 1906, il acquit le journal Valgus, renforçant davantage son influence dans les médias. Bien qu'il soit principalement reconnu en tant que compositeur choral, ses compositions pour piano solo, autrefois oubliées, connurent une renaissance grâce aux efforts du pianiste français Nicolas Horvath, qui les redécouvrit et les enregistra pour le label Toccata au Royaume-Uni. Karl August Hermann s'éteignit en 1909 et repose en paix au cimetière de Raadi à Tartu.
List of works published by Musik Fabrik/
Liste d'œuvres éditées par Musik Fabrik
Complete works for piano, in three volumes for piano
score/partition - 61€ 95
Complete works for piano, volume 1 for piano
contains Suve ôhtu eha aja (Summer Evening Twilight, Tundline unistus (Dream of an Hour), Das Leben Kampf (Struggles of Life), Winter und Frühling (Winter and Spring), Valse Nationale des Estoniens (The National Waltz of the Estonians), Ausser Anthem Polka, Air Estonien Varie et Modulé and Die Losum des Restels (The Solution to the Puzzle)
score/partition - 19€ 95
Complete works for piano, volume 2 for piano
contains Eetn Volkslied (Estonian Folksong),Air d’été (Summer Song), Pulli Handsu Pulmad (Bulli Handsu’s Wedding), Eest Waltz (Estonian Waltz), Letamine Ja Sarve : Nigh Torupilli Lugu (Allowing Service : The Story of the Bagpipes), Pensées de Vie (Thoughts of Life), Pensée musicale (Musical Thought) and Marche de Fête (Festive March)
score/partition - 19€ 95
Complete works for piano, volume 3 for piano
contains Waltzstimmung (Waltz Piece), Andantino, Album Leht (Album Leaf), Allegretto, Kinund Kinnas (A Lost Glove), Concert Étude, Trauring und Freuding (Grieving and Rejoicing) and Kolm Karaktarpala (Three Charactor Pieces)
score/partition - 24€ 95
Four Easy Piano Pieces for piano
contains1. Winter und Frëling (Winter and Spring), Pulli Handsu Pulmad (Bulli Handsu’s Wedding),Kinund Kinnas (A Lost Glove) and Trauring und Freuding (Grieving and Rejoicing)
score/partition - 12€ 95
Suve ohtu eha aja (Summer Evening Twilight) for piano
score/partition - 5€ 95
Tundline unistus (Dream of an Hour) for piano
score/partition - 5€ 95
Das Leben Kampf (The struggle of Life ) for piano
score/partition - 5€ 95
Winter und Frühling (Winter and Spring) for piano
score/partition - 5€ 95
Valse Nationale des Estoniens (The National Waltz of the Estonians) for piano
score/partition - 5€ 95
Ausser Anthem Polka for piano
score/partition - 5€ 95
Air Estonien Varié et Modulé for piano
score/partition - 7€ 95
Die Losum des Restels (The Solution to the Puzzle) for piano
score/partition - 6€ 95
Eetn Volkslied (Estonian Folksong) for piano
score/partition - 7€ 95
Air d’étaeacute; (Summer Song) for piano
score/partition - 5€ 95
Pulli Handsu Pulmad (Bulli Handsu's Wedding) for piano
score/partition - 5€ 95
Eest Waltz (Estonian Waltz) for piano
score/partition - 5€ 95
Letamine Ja Sarve : Nigh Torupilli Lugu (Allowing Service - The Story of the Bagpipes) for piano
score/partition - 5€ 95
Pensées de Vie (Thoughts of Life) for piano
score/partition - 6€ 95
Pensée musicale (Musical Thought) for piano
score/partition - 5€ 95
Marche de Fête (Festive March) for piano
score/partition - 7€ 95
Waltzstimmung (Waltz Piece) for piano
score/partition - 6€ 95
Andantinp for piano
score/partition - 7€ 95
Album Leht (Album Leaf) for piano
score/partition - 5€ 95
Allegretto for piano
score/partition - 6€ 95
Kinund Kinnas (A Lost Glove) for piano
score/partition - 5€ 95
Concert Etude for piano
score/partition - 5€ 95
Trauring und Freuding (Grieving and Rejoicing) for piano
score/partition - 5€ 95
Kolm Karaktarpala (Three Charactor Pieces) for piano
score/partition - 9€ 95