Rasim Ibrahimov
Rasim Ibrahimov was born on September 14, 1967
in Baku, Azerbaijan. He started school in 1974 and five years later
was accepted by "Bul-Bul" Secondary Musical School under the Azerbaijan
State Conservatory (Academy of Music). During his studies there he
took part in the Third Republican Competition of Musicians. As a result,
he was awarded a Third Degree Diploma and named as a State Prize Winner.
In 1986, He entered the Azerbaijan State Conservatory, in a class
of Prof. Kh. Mirzazadeh, Azerbaijan National Performer and State Prize
Mr. Ibrahimov joined the Army and served there for nearly three years. Then he returned and continued his studies in the Azerbaijan State Conservatory. In spring 1997, he partook in the Second Soviet Union Competition - Festival of National Creation (Moscow - Khabarovsk) and won the First State Prize. He graduated from the Azerbaijan State Conservatory as a qualified composer in the early summer, 1994. (Diploma)
Rasim Ibrahimov participated in the Jerusalem International Music Competition named after Leonard Berstein, in Jerusalem. His poem "Fairy Tale" for large symphony orchestra was selected for Semi Final Rating.
He has written a number of musical works for piano, chamber and symphonic orchestra, such as "Variations" for Piano, "Poem" for Violin and Piano, Sonata for Cello and Piano (4 Parts), String Quartet, Poem "Fairy Tale" for a big symphonic orchestra, Symphony "Diptich" for a big symphonic orchestra, music for different musician groups "Deus Conservat Omnia - I", "Deus Conservat Omnia - II", "Deus Conservat Omnia - III", "Deus Conservat Omnia - IV" etc.
Mr. Rasim Ibrahimov was a Musical Editor of the Azerbaijan section of the Fund of Music of the former USSR from 1994 to July 1999. At present he lives in the United States and retains the title of Central Consultant of Composers Union of Azerbaijan Republic.
Rasim Ibrahimov est né le 14 septembre 1967 à Bakou (Azerbaidjan). Il a commencé ses études en 1974 et cinq ans plus tard a été accepté à l'École Musicale "Bul-Bul"; école musicale sécondaire sous le contral de l'Académie de Musique d'État d'Azerbaidjan. Pendant ses études, il a été invité au 3ème concours musical d'État ou il a reçu le dégrée de Prix d'État. En 1986, il est récu à l'Académie de Musique d'État d'Azebaidjan, dans la classe de Kh. MIRZAZADEH, Prix d'État d'Azerbaidjan et Compositeur National.
Après son service militaire, il a continué ses études musicales. Au printemps 1997, il a participé au 2ième Concours et Festival de création Nationale de l'Union Soviétique (Moscow-Khabarovsk) et a gagné le premier Prix d'État. Il a récu son diplôme en composition du Conservatoire d'État d'Azerbaidjan en 1994.
Son œuvre comporte des pièces pour piano, musique de chambre, et musique orchestrale, tels que "Variations pour Piano", "Poème" pour Violon et Orchestre, "Sonate" pour Violoncelle et Piano, Quatuor à Cordes, Musiques Symphoniques. Son poème symphonique "Conte de Fée" a été primée dans le Concours de Composition Orchestrale Léonard Bernstein à Jerusalem.
Mr. Rasim Ibrahimov a été l'éditeur Musical du fondation pour la Musique d'Azerbaidjan dans l'ancien Union Soviètique de 1994 au juillet 1999. Actuellement, Il habite aux États-Unis, mais reste Consultant principal de L'Union des Compositeurs de la République D'Azerbaidjan.
List of works published by Musik Fabrik/
Liste d'œuvres éditées par Musik Fabrik
Miniature Fuga for flute, oboe, Bb clarinet, bassoon and organ/pour flûte, hautbois, clarinette en Sib, basson et orgue
score and parts/partition et parties - 12€ 95
Miniature Fuga for SATB saxophone quartet and organ/pour quatuor de saxophones SATB et orgue
score and parts/partition et parties - 12€ 95
Miniature Fuga for two violins, viola, violoncello and organ/pour deux violons, alto, violoncelle et orgue
score and parts/partition et parties - 12€ 95
Theme and Seven Variations "Portrait in the Seven Framework for piano/pour piano
score/partition - 11€ 95