Sara Torquati
Sara Torquati, pianist and composer,
took her piano diploma at the Conservatory "G. Verdi", Turin, under
the guidance od the Prof. Anna Maria Cigoli ; subsequently she also
studied with the Masters Enza Sicari, Carlo Levi Minzi, Jorge Demus,
Rosalyn Tureck, Anna Maria Cigoli, Paul Badura Scoda. Still very young,
she started giving concerts as soloist and with chamber music groups..
She then began a career as a concert artist; with the most imortant event being a tour of Hungary in 1990 as soloist in concerts with the Salieri-Orchestra directed by the Masters Tamas Pal. After she had won the Ministerial Contest for Conservatory as piano accompanist, she gave concerts in Italy, Finland, and Yugoslavia, with opera singers of International fame as K. Tikko, A. Concetti, Maya Randolph, Stefania Camaioni, Cho Hu Dong.
Sara Torquati began study of composition with Maestro R. Toscano, and then at the Pescara Conservatoire with the Maestro Pernaiachi ; presently she studies with Maestro Alessandro Solbiati.
As a Chorus Mistress, she has studied Choral Music and Chorus Direction in Rome with Maestro Alberto Meoli, studying Gregorian and Sacred Polyphony under the guidance of G.B. Baroffi, Piergiorgio Righele, and Maurizio Ciaschini, as well as Polyphony for Chorus of children's voices ; she has directed the Polyphonic Chorale"G. de Venosa".
Her compositions have been programmed in recitals given all over the world: Prague, Rio de Janeiro, Rome, Milan, Berlin, Hausjarviji ; as composer and performer she has registered for RAI, Rai Radio International, and Radio Finland. Her compositions have been published by the publisher Musikfabrik of Paris and by the publishing House Cassandra. For 1999, she has been invited by the Conservatoire of Ostrava in the Czech Republic to hold a Master Class on the music for classical and contemporary Italian Keyboard, taking part at Festival of Kromeritz. She is President of the Associazione Haydn, and she is the Chairperson for the World Report of The Foundation Adkins-Chiti Donne in Musica.
Sara Torquati, pianiste et compositeur, a eu son diplome en piano au Conservatoire "G. Verdi", Turin, dans la classe du Prof. Anna Maria Cigoli ; elle a également suivi les Masterclass d'Enza Sicari, Carlo Levi Minzi, Jorge Demus, Rosalyn Tureck, Anna Maria Cigoli, Paul Badura Scoda. Très jeune, elle a commencé de donner des récitals et des concerts de musique de chambre, avec nottament une tournée en Hongrie avec l'Orchestre Salieri dirigé par Tamas Pal.
Sara Torquati a étudié la composition avec Maestro R. Toscano, et puis au Conservatoire de Pescara avec Maestro Pernaiachi ; actuellement elle est l'élève de Maestro Alessandro Solbiati.
Ses compositions ont été programmées dans les concerts dans plusieurs capitales du monde: Prague, Rio de Janeiro, Rome, Milan, Berlin, Hausjarviji ; Elle a enregistrée ses oeuvres pour la RAI, Rai Radio International, et la Radio Finlandaise.
List of works published by Musik Fabrik/
Liste d'œuvres éditées par Musik Fabrik
Sax Solo for alto saxophone/pour saxophone alto
score/partition - 7€ 95